

Cammi Granato has enjoyed an extensive and highly successful career both on and off the ice. As a former Olympic and IIHF champion, she knows exactly what it takes to get to the extra mile to achieve the winning edge over any competition. As a female making a career playing what has traditionally been considered a “man's sport”, Cammi has also been exposed to her fair share of adversity. Despite the numerous challenges she has faced in her life and her hockey career, she has proven time and time again that she could convince herself and others to overcome those challenges and achieve lasting success. As an athlete, as a professional, and as a wife and mother, Cammi has made the most of her opportunities. With her experience and insight, she can play a major role for any team both on and off the ice.

Hockey School

For nearly a decade after her gold medal win in Nagano in 1998, Cammi hosted a girls hockey camp where she would share the fundamentals of being a better player on and off the ice with hundreds of talented young women. After taking a few years off, Cammi has started the hockey school again! With help from her niece Allie Granato and her former university teammate Erin Leslie, Cammi has already found a huge number of motivated players to join in her at the hockey school. Cammi hopes to instill the values of teamwork, perseverance as well as solid hockey fundamentals in each student, while making sure they get to have a fun and rewarding experience.

Speaking Engagements

Cammi has also built a solid reputation as a top motivational speaker. As the captain of the US National Women's Hockey Team from 1996 to 2005, Cammi learned first hand what it takes to be a strong and successful leader. She continues to bring that motivational spirit and enthusiasm to her daily work as a nutritional consultant, where she encourages clients of all ages and abilities to maintain a positive diet and lifestyle.

After hockey, her role as a speaker continued. Cammi has spent over a decade speaking to groups at corporate events, charity functions, and has even been asked to address the US Senate and House of Representatives at the US Olympic Senate and Congress dinner in Washington. She has also been on a number of talk shows including David Letterman, The Today Show, CNN news.

Here are some of companies and organizations Cammi has had motivational speaking engagements with:

  • Nike

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  • Merril Lynch

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  • AT&T

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  • Visa

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  • Chevrolet

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  • Hilton Hotels

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  • Deloitte and Touche

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  • USOC

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  • Elite Goalies Hockey School

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  • UBC Men's Basketball

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  • Sports Banquets

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  • Quest

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  • Teck Resources

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  • Women's Health Fair 2012

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The importance of Cammi's experience as a female leader in today's world cannot be overstated. She is well versed in the unique challenges faced by women in the professional arena, athletics, and the world at large, and her experience as well as her effective communication skills can be an asset to any group of individuals.

For more information about enrolling in Cammi's next hockey school, or having her speak at your next engagement, be sure to get in touch via email today.

Contact Cammi